Our team represents decades of experience in distributing digital gospel resources. We have connected with the largest network of digital Christian resource providers, some of which have resources in a few languages and some in hundreds or even thousands.
We especially promote the use of memory cards as they offer the greatest flexibility for the best cost for reaching most otherwise disconnected people.

MicroSD cards have many advantages:
- MicroSD cards are inexpensive compared to the value of what they can do. They cost $3-$9 USD (* change to local currency), often the same cost or less than a printed Bible.
- MicroSD cards let the user enjoy audio Bible, audio Bible stories, Bible overview films, images, pdf’s, apps, and more.
- MicroSD cards can hold the digital equivalent of a library of books and Bibles and racks of CD”s and DVD’s, in one or many local languages. Over time, microSD cards of larger capacity get cheaper. Now people can even buy a single microSD card that holds an entire terabyte of space (larger that the entire storage space on many laptop computers).
- MicroSD cards are compact. They are all the same small size on the outside. This makes them very convenient for storing and sharing media, and easier to conceal in risky situations.
- MicroSD cards are durable as long as they are stored properly. This helps them avoid damage by moisture, extreme temperature changes or dust.
- MicroSD cards are available worldwide, sold in shops in even many remote villages.
- MicroSD cards always stay with their owner, even if you never see them again – People can use them anytime because they always keep their phones with them, and make sure to keep them charged.
- MicroSD cards reach people of any language by helping them get gospel films in their own language.
- MicroSD cards work in most in the world, including older feature phones.
- MicroSD cards are already valued and used. Many recipients already appreciate their value relative to the cost of blank microSD cards in local markets, and many people know how to use them.
- MicroSD cards are secure: Users can hide ordinary-looking microSD cards separately in safer location if they need. They are usually easy to get into and out of a phone quickly.
- MicroSD cards can be purchased in one nation with a region and then carried into other more closed countries within the same region.