The greatest privilege we have is helping others know God and make him known to others. One of the greatest tools to do that is allowing them to easily put engaging Bible media in their language on the device that they view every day. Your gift to BibleSeed helps people access God’s word who otherwise would not.
If you lived in one of many developing nations today, you might be one of many without internet access. (Over 53% in Africa and 33% in Asia) You would probably not know how to get Bible media (audio Bible, gospel films) in your language. Even if you visited a Christian bookstores, they only have printed books, DVD’s and CD’s, for which most people do not have players. And you would likely be in the majority that cannot or prefer not to read habitually.
But most people can watch, listen, or read on their cell phone, which is the main device that most people own.
Many people use microSD cards to allow their phone to have more space. A Bible.SD card easily inserted into their mobile phone could give them audio Bible, Bible stories, gospel films, and so much more. Many bookstores in developing nations would gladly make Bible microSD memory cards in local languages available to their customers, if only they had them prepared. Currently, only missionaries or well-connected national partners get access to these gospel memory cards.